Executive Coaching

You know your goals. We have the ticket.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching by Sonja Becker does not change people, but their environment

“I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me.”
– Mobster Frank Costello in the movie “Departed”

The guideline that actor Jack Nicholson masterfully pursues in Martin Scorsese’s film “Departed” also works (positively) as the life manual for true self-actualization: a person’s exodus from ego.


Coach for Global Players


“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life (…). And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs

Sonja Becker, renowned worldwide as a coach for global players, explains how executives become people who think globally.


Executive Coaching worldwide

Align globally ...

Out of your comfort zone, off to new shores:
The High-Performance-Leadership-Trainings held between Maui and Cape Town sharpen your focus on your own world, enhancing the global perspective of your activities … active vacations for your spirit – and the rest of your life!


“Radar for Leaders” – Exclusively for executives

… Self-Actualize locally!

Remeasuring your own horizon by arranging a date with yourself! Under Sonja Becker’s radar, leaders gain deep insights into their actual, personal as well as entrepreneurial goals.


Executive Coaching – Exclusively with Sonja Becker

After success comes leadership

“Those who continually redefine themselves by practicing are those going beyond themselves.”
– Peter Sloterdijk

Intensive and exclusive – coaching with Sonja Becker. The High-Performance-Leadership-Coach brings about your transformation from executive to leader.


What is the advantage of executive coaching for a company?

Executive coaching enables entrepreneurs to gain inner clarity and serenity so that courage and the power of innovation become pillars for an ideal future.

Executive coaching connects leaders with their own brilliance and put them in harmony with the company’s strategic goals. This new approach of empowerment works like a “conductor”, bringing new energy into the human environment, and counteracts any hierarchies; the whole company is the winner. By synchronizing personal and entrepreneurial goals within the scope of executive coaching, companies no longer have to exhaust themselves to the point of pain. By means of empowerment, the search for harmony between desires and goals, we access personal sources of inexhaustible energy.

How effective is executive coaching?

Real leaders become peaceful, pure, courageous and innovative in their decisions, with a clear vision for the future. Their companies remain unbeatable on the global market.

Executive coaching by “Radar for Leaders” is not about manpower by numbers but empowerment as a quality: You are the solution, and what’s in you. Executives draw from their own sources of energy and will work in sync with their companies and their own goals.

Executive coaching doesn’t know any short-term “higher, faster, better”, but it does know it in the long term. With leadership coaching, you can’t expect instantaneous solutions or recipes out of the box; that would have the opposite effect. Our philosophy says that by being curious about yourself you can gain new potentials, ideas and the optimism to really create something new. Working through these topics will lead to solutions for yourself. In this way, our executive coaching will be an advantage for both the company and for you.

What topics are dominant in executive coaching?

The power of innovation, new alignments and perspectives with visions of the future and building character all the way to self-actualization.

In general, executive coaching is about you as an individual leader figure, but it’s also about the desires of the self. Like in a psychological process, what we talk about is up to the coachee. With the coach’s gentle intervention, topics or conflicts come of their own accord. The coach will never intervene in this process, present pre-fab ideas or even solutions. By means of this method of leadership coaching, issues may pop up that were never planned because they arise from the dialog.


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We’d be happy to provide you with profound information about our offerings, with no obligation.